Monday, December 6, 2010

W4L:Folktale "Cochapacha and the Cannibal"

Once upon a time in the 1800's in a little, little town called Kazajhastan Cheprina Clermont Ferrant Somalia, in the middle of May, when the sun was up on the sky, the flowers were beautiful and the people looked happy, used to live Cochapacha a weird grumpy teenager that liked to spend the summer afternoons throwing rocks at the neighbors cause he was bored and he didn't like his name, till one day to be exact the next day he took a plastic bag and he throw on it a peanut butter sandwich, some chips, lemonade, his national geographic magazine and a lollipop and a hunting knife that his dad gave to him when he was little.
"I'll be a traveler" he said to himself, he took everything even his ipod ( in that time was made from a little branches grass with a cricket in it). He started his journey, after half hour he couldn't get out of his little town and he was hungry.
He took half of his sandwich and a little of his lemonade and after his breakfast he continued, he was tired after 3 hours walking in circles, around that time he found a donkey and he was delighted. He jumped on the back of the donkey and it began to run like a greased lightning, well, just was bucking trying to get off the kid from his back.
A while later Cochapacha made the donkey walk; the next day both Cochapacha and donkey -that was the name that Cochapacha gave to his new friend- made it to the forest. It was dark, dangerous, full of big beasts and lot of things (To be honest it was just 3 lines of trees that were kind of the border between two little towns); well the donkey didn't go through and Cochapacha continued his adventure, the time go by and with that his food, the magazine Cochapacha used just to injure a little fly that it was on the same necessity of food, but he couldn't kill it and he walked away while the fly was laying down in the middle of nowhere.
Cochapacha started remembering his mom's food and all the attentions that he just left two days ago, he became hungry more often, he started to have visions. Suddenly he saw a peanut butter sandwich, he was so happy and he jump on top of the sandwich like a tiger on its prey, but he didn't know that it was a trap, a human trap to feed the hungry of Carmelo the Cannibal, Carmelo was so happy cause after a while he could make a delicious Cochapacha barbecue.
Cochapacha cried and told his sad story to Carmelo about how people tried him, Carmelo feel his pain cause people, like normal people run from him just cause his eating habits, well, Cochapacha convince Carmelo to start eating something else and he did, Cochapacha went back to his house; his mom when she saw him far away, ran over him and after kisses and hugs she chewed him out because he left without permission.
Now Cochapacha is happy and he start to attend school and he planned to be and nutritionist.
Donkey, is free and now has a contract to pull the kings float.
The fly its alive and is recovering from the hit that Cochapacha gave it with the magazine. Now its thinking about suing Cochapacha and making some money with it.
Carmelo the Cannibal now is vegetarian and lives in a little town known as Alaska and he loves tacos.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

W4L: Cover Letter to "My dream school"

To my concern Admission office
Kapodistrian Tudomanyegyetem Coimbra University or
Yale University
I am very interested to get the admission to your university to continue on my professional education and to keep pursuing my dream of life.
I should be admitted in your university because I did graduate with honors, I was on my three years high school a honor student highlighting in sports, arts and like an student I receive many awards for my performance.
I have a good rank on sports I stand in many sports such as football, soccer, volleyball, wrestling, golf, basketball, pin-pong, track, and others just to mention some. My parents did graduate from your university many years ago, they got sport scholarship they where champions three years in a row representing your university. My dad was champion in thumb fight and my mom in arm wrestling.
Even when I don't have any orientation neither coordination I still very reliable to be the water boy.
I can ride horses so if you need a jockey am overqualified, also I have high school experience on black dealer, jack pot, and candy seller.
So I really appreciate the chance to meet you in person my name is on the roll of retirement students am 35 years old and still live with my parents.Looking forward for the chance to walk in your campus while am cutting the grass,
Lay C. Boii

Monday, November 15, 2010

W4L:Cover Letter to "My dream job"

Dear Anita Job.
I am very interested to apply for the position that you advertised the other day. I am the ideal candidate for this position, even when I don't remember what position was and I don't know when it was posted; I still hopeful that you have that position available. Whit this I'm showing to you that am an hopeful, enthusiastic person, full of smiles and willing to work, anytime and anywhere.
If you ignores I am a extremely hard worker, looking all the time for things to do, and I never stop to reach the maximum award that your company gives to their employees. I work hard every time trying to rich the perfection on my duties. I'm serious about work but friendly with my coworkers and with the general public.
I like to be quiet, and I am a peaceful man, also I have a peaceful open mind available to listen to everybody. I like sports like box, MMA, full contact, Karate, sumo, wrestling, hunting, rugby, football, Russian roulette, one in a chamber, marbles, yoyo, spin (trompo), sweaty hands and mud.
I don't like the arrogance and the hypocrisy on people and on myself, with that you gonna be sure that I am an honest man. Your business will be my business too, and if I work for you I'll be looking forward for new ways to make grow up the company or get a better reputation in the world of commerce.
I have a lot of experience driving cars cause I used to work in grandpa hut in the delivery area, in pesttator like an ant catcher, I been working like a bun warmer, skull grinder, tonsorial artist, globe trotter, and like honest politician.
I hope this sound interesting for you, and I hope to get the job cause one more time I need money and I like to get things done, looking forward for you answer and the chance to meet you to discuss.
I.M. Boring

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

W4L: Yes! We still need it...

In the curse of time, after we stop using skin from animals to print our thoughts, after we got tire to lost many people to manuscript on walls at 25 feet tall, after we stop using our hands and kill all the chickens to get the feathers to write our memories, after the woodblock finished with all the trees on the neighborhood, after our voice run out after told the same story with different ends, after all our pain and the callus on our fingers, a smart guy born, run out of voice, fingers, memory, patience and invented the printer, yes!, and with that the news paper, and after all this time, to give you an idea, about 1000 years 1 day 3 hours 17 minutes 45 almost 46 seconds, after all this time we still need it, the news paper is a part of our life nowadays.
To give you and example, after you woke up, after you clean your eyes, brush your teeth, comb your hair, put some clothes on, nothing is better than a cup of coffee, and while you drinking read the news paper to know what is going on with the world, or if you get boring, well a puzzle may help, or if you are unemployment look in the classifieds you can find a job, or if you looking for something else, like a cars, furniture, governmental services, girlfriend or boyfriend, pets, entertaining, fashion boutiques, or a simple candy store, you could find it in it.
The news paper is helpful for our environment cause is made it from recycled paper, that's almost 99.99% of the paper that we trow out from our homes, in that we are saving trees, the environment, birds, warms, ants, and our lungs. If that is not enough guess what, yes! you can recycle the news paper one more time, of course after you read it, solve the puzzle, find the differences between two pictures, make the crossword puzzle, and after you cut the most transcendental notice, you can throw it in the recycle container.
In the other side some people use the news paper to cut the letters and made some notes that have a not good purposes, but is the only inconvenient.
The news paper is good medium of communication for business man, cause I don't think they can carry a TV with them, even though mostly all the information that the business man look at, is the one that show them how is the money market doing, sometimes they use it like a pillow or if they make a mess while they are drinking coffee in the train, they can use the news paper like a napkin (is not that a great use?).
Another resource that we can find on the news paper is, if you don't have a girlfriend, you just have to memorize some of the news in the business area and you gonna sound smart and interesting and you gonna get all the girls attention, guaranteed!. For the girls well if you want to get a boys attention just look at the news paper in the sport section for the score of your local football team and I promise to you that the kid that you want, is gonna like you. (results may vary) (we don't accept returns, to make a disclaim please leave a note under the door, any door) .
Are many uses that we can give to the news paper, like if a fly is botherd you, just make a newspaper roll and Bam! fly is death, or if you have a pet in a cage, sometimes news paper works like a residues retainer; or if you decide to paint something like a wall, or your door or a simple frame, cover your floor with a news paper and thus, you going to be clean.
Still many uses that we gave to the news paper and is another ones that new generations gonna give to it. Since the invention of the printer and the apparition of the news paper we still need it now than it was before, even when new mediums of communication came and go by, like the bipper, or palm, or laptops, or cellphones, or the new ipad, the news paper is gonna be the number one medium of communication, why? tell me, what you gonna do when you run out of toilet paper!.

Monday, November 1, 2010

W4L:Television, after all still have one benefit

It is indescribable all the advances that the human race has made through time for their benefit. Since we have begun to increment our knowledge, we started to get the conquest of other areas of life, work, even the space. For that kind of advance we used to have and incredible tool that helped us as well as challenged us.
But nowadays that incredible tool, has just become a brain washer and also the big owners of that resource are using it against us. The television before that was used like a massive medium of communication, today just a box that keep people busy, showing them programs with out relevance and for kids just shows to make them to stay at their house.
Nowadays with the growing up of the big companies and the big markets, the chairman's of these companies change the used of the TV. Changing everything on it, they started put in some programs with overloaded restricted content just to saw how that works, and surprise works better than they thought.
The first thing that you'll see on a TV programming is a bunch of commercials telling you to buy this or that, how to dress, how to be and with all that advertisement they make you buy tings that you maybe don't need even you don't know what it is.
About entertainment, there are a lot of cartoons making kids lazy or trying to be a superheros, another programs for teenagers just make them think that life is great and easy kind of "going with the flow", for adults well mostly everything is about sex and corruption or in some cases been a bad person is a good thing. Now to get more your attention became to develop people that suppose to be singers one day; or big brothers or get your love while a lot of people is watching how you life, behind this is just a distraction to you to the out world, the problems of our society, our economy, even problems whit your kids that you ignores cause you are to busy watching a guy trying to be rich opening cases.
Last but no least important, the news manipulated for some of the chairman, tell you just half of the story (the good part), or they just keep you busy with the weather, traffic or the news of the famous people; other programs about nature, well if you don't know but it is weird, mostly all our environment is collapsing, but doesn't matter we are superior to all the live things in this world, does it?.
Many years have gone and that great invention instead to be helpful has been made into tool to manipulate people, to work in our minds, just think about it, after all I think we still can give one use to it, it looks nice in your living room like a framed picture, ha!.

Monday, October 25, 2010

W4L: To my Incoming brothers and sisters

Hi there new brother or sister, Welcome!!! to the land of freedom, hope and progress. I know you are here with some goal, and whatever that is, am sure that you'll gonna reach it. Here is something that maybe can help you in your new adventure or perhaps you would prefer to call it your new journey,but in any case, keep working hard cause you can do whatever you decide to do.
1.- First at all don't be afraid, everything is new, so you must look around and be exited. We like challenges, right?. That's why we're here.
2.- Say hi to everybody that smiles to you, and smiled back, Americans like friendly people.
3.- Stay out of trouble; is not fun at all and I don't think is convenient for you and your dreams.
4.- Find a girlfriend or boyfriend or even get married, because that will take care of many of your problems! (I am talking about problems in the neighborhood, but with your wife or husband am not so sure).
5.- You need to buy a car, cellphone, pet, some bed, blankets, deodorant, tooth brush, tooth paste and get a pedicure, manicure or hair cut.
6.- Get a library card, you'll be increasing your knowledge and everybody will like you. But don't became a nerd I think girls don't like that to much.
7.- Respect each one that you find in your path; it is better if you have more friends than enemies.
8.- Get into a school it is never late to learn. It is a good idea to you, start with some English class. I know a good teacher she will be glad to help you to learn English her name is Liz in RTC.
9.- Buy a house with a big kitchen, you can be my friend and invite me some day for a dinner; I love food and it will be my pleasure be your guest!.
10.- Last but no least: "Enjoy life" but never forget why you here.
Well here is my humble advice and I hope that you find whatever you looking for. See you later.
PT: If this don't work; I didn't wrote anything, my teacher edited!. So, don't blame on me.

Friday, October 22, 2010

W4L: A serious post, same title

Today after I heard some of the assignments that my classmates wrote, I figure out that all of us in one way or another sometime in our long haul in this life, had received help from a stranger.
All the writing was wonderful and inspirational, some of them make me feel the sadness and pain but after all, I found out that somewhere out there is gonna help you.
No matter what race they came from, somebody will be glad to give you a hand. In my experience with other race that is not an immigrant, I was so lucky o blessed to found really good Americans (or white people, however would you like to call them).
Once upon a time when the skies were blue and the sunshine was as its best, I was driving my car and... Wait; it was the other way around: It was in the middle of the night and I was riding a bike. I got out of work in a restaurant after midnight, I was hitting towards the apartment where I used to leave in California, I remember the time was close to 1 am, it was a 45 minutes ride in bike; suddenly a police car passed by going on the other side of the road seconds later he just turned around and pull me over the rode, I stopped my bike, got close to the sidewalk and start waiting for the police officer. He came and he started talking to me in English, asking for so many things, what did he said I don't really know cause I was totally afraid. Minutes later he smiled, I guess he realized that i didn't understand and he told me in Spanish "I know you don't understand, don't worry you are not in trouble, and I know that you are here cause you need too, not cause you want it, so just take care, ride your bike on the side walk and wear a helmet please. And don't worry no one else is gonna stop you", he left and I keep my 30 minutes travel to my house, 2 polices cars pass by they saw me and they just disappear. I think it was something whit that the other police officer told me. Well i made it to my house but I never forget that night.
Another time was here in Seattle 2 years ago. It was a hard times cause the economy problems begun, I was running with out job, and i was awakening up at 5 to walk to a bus station catch the bus and made it to some place where contractors pick people to work, that day i got to that place at 6 am it was dark and cold, but I was the only one no body came to that place a that time so i was waiting for a couple hours till 8 and it was full the unemployment people. When I was ready to leave one guy (American) came by and ask me if I want to work, I said yes, and he told me "Am gonna give you some work cause I saw you early this morning, and I know that you need it". I was working for that guy for one and a half years. He couldn't keep me busy cause all the construction was bad, but thanks to that I was paying my bills.
One or two ~ Every once in a while, we are sure to find somebody out there that would be glad to help a brother.