Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Your personality in your blood type: True or False

With the advance in the technology, science, cooking, medicine and others branches of life, we are discovering new things every day. From the beginning of the study in microbiology, every little thing counts in life. For our life we need water and blood. Like an advice for life said: Blood and tears.
Many scientist match everything they find in everything they want, like who calls Pinwheel or milky way to a Galaxy, what is milk related to this or that weird toy?, and another guy call some chocolate brand like that galaxy.
Other people believe in reading the tarot, or the stars in the zodiac, and now you are weird cause you don't like ice cream?. And now they say that your personality is in your blood. Maybe yes, Maybe no.
I used to hear that when your character is strong you are a person with a heavy blood (not meaning weight), or if you are a person with kindness and you smile all the time you are a person with light blood (not meaning weight, again), or if you are a person that gets mad all the time your blood is sour, or if you are just a regular guy your blood is just medium. And to the end if you are skinny - really skinny - well you don't have blood, just skin and bones.
Time moves forward and now the astrology says that blood has letters: A,B,AB,O. But it is just common sense, the "O's" are just cause there are a lot of people with that type of blood, so like the earth is round that's why we call it O, it is easier! People that are smart, their blood is type "A" for example Albert Einstein, that's why his name start with A and his blood was A+ cause he helped the human race (and his grades at school). Another example is Adolf Hitler well the same with the name and grades but the blood type was A- cause of the things that he did. "B's" is for people that is the second largest type of blood and second on personality with "A" and "O" and second in the alphabetic sequence, and B means Bueno. And the last but not least important are the AB's. These people are another kind of people, and AB is for Accurate-Bad, pretty strange isn't it?.
But no blood is like mine. After many minutes of investigation and memories, I remember when I was child, when my mom was mad she used to say that I had "Donkey's blood". Maybe cause I have a little of the other bloods type or maybe just cause she was mad, but am still researching the matter. So see you later Blood-ther from another time.


  1. Hi, Cain, what's your Blood Type?

  2. Very funny! Another extremely thorough, Pink-Panther investigation of the situation! Donkey's blood....I have never heard of it, but somehow I know EXACTLY what your mom was saying! (Are donkeys stubborn in Mexico, too?)
    We missed you in class! Keep writing...we are doing cover letters and resumes now :)
