Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Writing everyday life: Pregnancy

Well even though I'm never gonna get pregnant and am not married - actually, can't even find a girlfriend - that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion about everything, including pregnancy.
Pregnancy, a lot of women say, is the best time in their life, and the men, well they say women got sensitive, hungry, cranky, picky, noisy, crazy, lazy. Other than that they agree that it is the moment to share with each other.
When they get the news the first reaction is happiness. Both start jumping and yelling, wondering whether it will be a boy or girl. They start calling all their relatives: mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, cousins, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, neighbors, enemies, they throw away the dogs,cats,mice,snakes,spiders,etc. And they start thinking about the name of the child, and here is when the disagreements begin.
After they find out that the child's name is gonna be some name of their great-great-great-great-grandparents (names like Gwendolyn Mathilda Dorothea Jr, or for boys are Chester Percival Willis Jr), comes another funny battle. The happy parents start thinking about the room of the new baby,they talking about size, location and colors. If is boy the classic blue is the choice, and for girls are pink. But nowadays parents are more extravagant and they choose to paint the room in rainbow colors (all seven color in the same room!), or light fuchsia, rotten green, mold yellow or a light black.
To the pregnancy we can add the cravings or whim (sometimes both), and the husband, or honey, or partner, or server or slave, has to meet the request of their women. They cannot complain about it because, the women are the ones to carry the little human being. So they (the women) start with a disgust of a lot of things. After that they (the women) ask for really weird, uncommon, bizarre foods. To set an example a friend of my, told me that when his wife was pregnant, she asked for garlic raccoon. But is not the only one, others ladies ask for fried legs frogs, or spiders on their juice, or to simply the gourmet, a single leaf of lettuce.
But in the end they are happy because no one can bring more happiness than the new member of the family and no season can be more crazy, lovely, weird or stressful than the time of pregnancy.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, a woman's taste preferences change throughout pregnancy. BUT are you kidding? garlic raccoon? fried frog's legs? It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
