Friday, May 7, 2010

The official history of "Ice Cream"

Long,long,long, but too long time ago, before the ice age , before the man kind put a shoes on their feet, the Earth was just sugar, water and flavors (fruits). After many, many but not to many years the Ice Age came and people started using shoes and socks and wearing Dolce & Gabbana clothes. With the water converted to ice, they cannot make their water flavors anymore, so they came up with another big idea: They invented the blender with 4 square rocks, with their blenders they crushed the ice and added some flavors (fruits) and some sugar, and thus Ice Cream was invented!
After another many years enjoying the "crush flavor" (that was the original name for ice cream in those times), great Inventors were born and they tried to find the way to make better, that great great dessert. Columbus discovered America and with that more flavors were added. Somebody else discovered the south and north pole, and they brought smoother ice, and somebody grew up the Sugar CaƱa in Mexico so that the sugar was taken from it.
More centuries passed and people tried to improve the performance of that delicious dessert and then I don't know who but the refrigerator was made and the blenders become powerful and faster. With that the ice could crushed even faster and smoother. The flavors will be better with all the fruits discovered.
Now in the days with the invention of the store, supermarkets, Costco,Sam's club and modern refrigerators and the new technology our ice cream continue with the same essence, but better taste and more flavors now we can enjoy strawberry, lemon, banana,even sour flavors or spicy too. Like the "angel kiss" or "the devil trade" or the common "Neapolitan".
Even when you feel sad ice cream helps you. Because of the sweetness and the smoothness of the ice cream you can taste it, and smile after that.
So if you don't like "Ice Cream" you are not normal and you are ignoring a long long, terribly long history and part of your life.


  1. Great job - do spellcheck, change a few words and make sure the tenses are correct and republish! And don't forget to share the story with ILF :)

  2. Well done! You are good story teller. I am looking forward to hearing more stories from you.
