Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Letter to MR.President Obama

Hi there Mr.Obama my name is Cain, am from Mexico City, and I am 1 of the 12 millions of immigrants that help to this country with their own people, to be one of the most powerful nations of the world.
Am here just to ask for a big favor like immigrant I have to recognize my disappointment for the violation to the human rights in the state of Arizona and I want to know if you can fix that.
Also to ask you for another one, if you can start thinking straight about the reform for the immigrants. Is known for everybody that this situation is getting worst and if you made a big change when you take the place as president, you can make the difference to this disagreement.
We heard when you said: "This is the country of the hope" ( or was Mr Washington), since that we still hopping ( is that a word) well Mr. Obama I hope you read this. If not, I'll be in the white house some of these days to drink some Mexican coffee with you, whats your call?.

1 comment:

  1. Great letter. Did you send this to him via email? ( It is easy to do - check the link on last week's blog.)
    Change the last line to: what's your number?
