Friday, August 6, 2010

Write every day life: "Being a Men or Woman"

I don't know if this is gonna work, or is like the assignment that the teacher let us to do, but I'll explain my point of view to you, and is gonna start like this.
I love being a human I mean a men, and you know why?, I don't know, but I like it,
I can work, or go to the men's bathrooms, or shave my face (but men's is not the only ones that use a razor), I can do anything or everything except having a baby, but other then that men, and woman are so different that I prefer being a men.
Like i said before, the difference between men and woman is obvious like,
1.-men can work, wait ... woman too, so...
2.-men play sports, uh? woman too?,
3.-the men runs big companies mmm... the woman runs the men that owns the company,
4.-men is good to make food, but woman is the one that add flavor to it,
5.-men is good to give orders, neither the woman to follow it, nor listen,
6.-the men is big, as soon the woman feed it,
7.-men are strong, woman make them work out,
8.-men can fly, woman send them to the store,
9.-men are aloud to fight, woman make them fight,
10.-men never quit woman make them surrender,
11.-men never cry woman trow them pepper trow their eyes,
12.-men are human and woman are being.
So like you see is a lot of difference between the gender on the human race, but I'm glad to be a men cause like my dad said, I'm gonna have the last word on my house and is "whatever you say my love"


  1. Ha. Ha....HA! Verrrrrry amusing. I especially like your advantage of being able to go the men's bathroom.
    OK: Change:
    men -- man - sometimes you misuse the word. CHECK to see which one you want. women/women too.
    as soon as
    aloud -loud
    trow - throw
    Watch your use of comma. There are a few in strange places, and a few places that need one. Read it aloud to check for this.
    Spellcheck it again. A few strange words.
    Put all the beginnings of sentences in Caps, and capitalize all "I" uses.

  2. PS - the last sentence;
    Whatever you say, My Love.
